ESU g Atlantic 221
3steamLokSound 5 LESU5.2.10In the early 1900s narrow gauge railway RhB of Switzerland needed stronger locos. Swiss locomotive manufacturer SLM Winterthur built 29 samples of 2-4-0 locos G 4/5. The locos deliver 800 HP and reach a maximum speed of 45 km/h. After electrification of the whole rail net RhB sold or scrapped the locos except for two samples that rest in Switzerland for snow clearance duty or for railfan trains.LichtFront lightSound ein/ausSound on/off1224Pfeife whistle long3Kurzpfiffshort whistle4Kohle schaufelncoal shoveling5Luftpumpeair pump6Beschleunigungs-/Bremszeit, Rangiergangacceleration/brake time, shunting mode/shunting speedInjektorcurve squeal20ZylinderausblasenAUX19Sicherheitsventilcylinder blow out19Kabinenbeleuchtungconductor's signalRückwärtige Beleuchtungcoupler clankKurvenquietschensanding valve15Abschlammenbrake set14station announcement #1station announcement #2safety valverail clank on/offdumpingstation announcement #3station announcement #4injectorsoundfaderdeactivate brake squeal soundFRSoundablaufG 4/5 drive soundSoundablaufG 4/5 drive soundPfeife LangWhistle LongKurzpfiffshort whistleKohle schaufelncoal shovelingLuftpumpeAir PumpKuppelnCouülingZylinder ausblasen (Offene Zylinderhähne)Blow outSchaffnerpfiffConductor's signalSandensanding valveBremse Anlegen (lösen automatisch)Brake set (automatic release)AbschlammenDumpingKurvenquietschencurve squealSchienenstößerail clankSicherheitsventilsafety valveInjektorInjectorAnkunft Bhf Landquart nach Grüsch etcBoiler Noise NM-Standardboiler noise + startRandomBremsenquietschen 001brake squeal 001 v BMv 6 ( ( HllH## ##HHHH## ##HHHHHH ##H##HllHll HHH ##H## ## HHH Hll HHH HHH HllHll H##HHH ##Hll HllH## ##HHH HllHll HHH Hll Hll Hll Hll Hll Hll Hll HHHHHHHHHHHH H##HHHHHH ## HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ## Hll HllHHH HHH Hll HllHHH HHH Hll HllHllH##H##H##H##HHH Hll HllHHH HllHllHHHHHHHll HllHHH HllHll HHHHHH Hll ## HHHHll ##Hll HllHll Hll HllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHll Hll ##Hll ##H## HllHll HHHHHH ## ##H##HHHHllHll ## HHHHll HHHHllHllHHHH## HHH ##H##HHHHHHH##H## ## ## H## H## HllHHH ##Hll HHHHllHllHllHllHHHHHHHHHH##H## ## HHHHll HHHHllHllHllHllHHHHHHHHHHllHllHllHllHllHllHllHHHHll" Dz xPo'`LZ{YIVbЗ{T
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